Source: Ohio Probate Records, 1789-1996, Lake County

Aaron Daniels

Be it Remembered that at a Special Court of the Court of Common Pleas within and for the County of Lake and State of Ohio begun and held at the Court House in the Town of Painesville on the third day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred and forty two before the Honorable Reuben Hitchcock Resident and Jonas Blish and William C. Mathews Esquires Associates Judges holding said Court and sitting as a Court of Probate.

The last Will and Testament of Aaron Daniels late of Mentor in said County Deceased was this day brought before the Court and was proved by the oaths of Arthur Quinn and John Quince two of the witnesses thereto whose examinations were reduced to writing and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the said Aaron Daniels at the time of executing said Will was of full age and of sound mind and memory and not under any restraint it is ordered that said Will and the proof is reduced to writing be recorded and thereupon on motion of Jonathan Lapham the Executor in said Will named it is ordered that Setters(?) Testamentary be granted to him the said Jonathan Lapham, and he was ordered to give bond in the sum of four thousand Dollars with Samuel Miller, Ezra B Viall and William B. Daniels as surities and the Court appoint Isaac Moore, Ezra Holmes and Orsin Blossom appraisers to appraise the personal property belonging to said Estate. The said last Will and Testament is in the words and figures as follows to wit:

I Aaron Daniels of the County of Geauga in the State of Ohio do make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say

First. It is my Will that my funeral expenses and all my just debts be fully paid.

Second. I give devise and bequeath to my two sons William Daniels and John Daniels the farm on which I now reside Situate in Mentor Township containing about two Hundred and nineteen acres to them and their heirs and assigns in fee simple William to have the east half and John the west half of said farm and each to have an equal quantity of Land. I also given and bequeath to my two sons above named all the stock which I may have on the farm at the time of my decease cattle horses sheep and hogs together with the farming tools to be equally divided between the said William and John.

Third. I having heretofore given to my other children property and money from time to time I do not now give them or bequeath them anything. What I have done for them and may hereafter do will be their proportion or so much as I design to do for them.

Lastly. I hereby constitute and appoint Jonathan Lapham to be the executor for this my last will and testament revoking and annulling all former wills by me made and satifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and Testament.

In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 26th day of May A D 1838. Aaron Daniels Signed published and declared by the above named Aaron Daniels
as and for his last Will and Testament in presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have signed as Witnesses to the same

A Quinn
John Quince