Extracted from the Plattsmouth Journal (Plattsmouth, NE)
Monday, January 31, 1916.


The Deceased Passed Away Early This Morning After an Illness of About a Year.

From Saturday's Daily.

This morning, shortly after 6 o'clock, Albert Newton Long died quite suddenly at his home in the northwestern part of the city as the result of an attack of heart trouble. Mr. Long, who had been quite sick for the past year and confined to the house the greater part of the time, was sitting in a chair in the living room at his home at the time of his death, and without warning fell from the chair to the floor lifeless. Vernon Long, a son, had just gone to one of the neighbors a few minutes previous to summon a doctor for his father, who had been quite poorly during the night, and it was during his absence that the final summons came to relieve the unfortunate gentleman of his suffering.

Albert Newton Long was born in the state of Pennsylvania in 1853 and was at the time of his death sixty-three years of age. While yet a youth of thirteen years he came to Nebraska and located near Gretna, where he spent a greater part of his fifty years residence in Nebraska, and here he was in later years united in marriage to Miss Mary Manley, who, with seven children, are left to mourn the death of this good man. The children are: Mrs. Charles Campbell of South Bend, Neb.; Mrs. Earl Leesley of Plattsmouth; Mrs. Fred Homan of Canada; Edward Long, Vernon Long, Pauline Long, and Guy Long, all residing in Plattsmouth, three children having preceded him to the better world.

Mr. Long and family came to Plattsmouth from Gretna ten years ago, and have since made their home in this city, where they have made a host of warm friends who will join in extending their deepest sympathy in this their hour of grief and sorrow. For the past six years Mr. Long has been in poor health, but it was only during the last year that he had been confined to his home, almost continously.

There has been no arrangement made for the funeral yet, awaiting word from the relatives. The entire community will extend to the widow and children its deepest sympathy in this bereavement that has been visited upon them.