State of Louisiana
Parish of Catahoula

         Be it Remembered
that on this 6th day of June A.D. 1851
in pursuance of an order from the Hon[ora]ble
District Court in and for the Parish of Catahoula
and state aforesaid and in the 11th Judicial district
to me the undersigned Recorder & Exofficio
Notary Public in and for said Parish, denoted.

         I said Recorder preceded to make an
Inventory of the property composing the Estate &
Succession of Amos McCarty dec'd and
caused the same to be appraised by
George Riser & Adam Riser -- competent persons
duly appointed & sworn by me said Notary
for that purpose and account of which
is as follows to wit --

Inventory                                       Apraisment

         Negro woman Caroline aged about
32 years & her three children, Isaac a boy
aged about Eight years, Ann a girl aged
about six years, John Tyler B[o]y Bright
Mulatto aged about 2 years & six months.
appraised by family appraiser at
Fourteen hundred Dollars --------------- $1400.00

Negro girl aged about Eleven years
named Roda appraised
at Four hundred & fifty Dollars                   450.00

Eighty acres land known as the South
half of the South West quarter of section
no thirteen in Township no twelve
North of Range No One East -- together
with all the improvements & appraises
at Two hundred Dollars                            $200.00
Amount Carried over

Amount Brot over                  $2050.00
Sum Total -----------

         In faith whereof we the said
appraisers have signed these names
in presence of the undersigned
witnesses & me said Notary Public
the day and date first written.

                 Adam Riser
                 George Riser

Simeon Thomas
Wm S Prichard

                 W. E. Gaulden Recorder
                          & notary Public


Click on the links below for copies of the original document:

Inventory of Estate (page 1)
Inventory of Estate (page 2)