To the Honrl. Edward Berry, Judge of the Eleventh
Judicial District of the State of Louisiana
holding sessions in and for the Parish of
Catahoula in Said District.

The petition of Allen McCarty, Willis McCarty,
Serena Dampier, Martha Keen wife of Elish Keen (duly
authorized and assisted herein by her husband)
Charity Ann Erskine wife of William Erskine (duly
authorized and assisted herein by her husband)
Marina Peters wife of William Peters (duly authorized
and assisted herein by her husband) all of the Parish
of Catahoula State aforesaid with due respect represents
that Amos McCarty late of said parish and state
died recently in said parish (where his succession
opened) leaving an Estate consisting of several slaves
and some personal property and leaving your petitioners
six in number above the age of majority resident in
said parish as aforesaid and leaving one other child
above the age of majority in the state of Texas to wit -
Elizabeth Thigpen (wife of William J. Thigpen) and
leaving also five minor children four of whom reside
in the said parish of Catahoula to wit Sarah Jane
McCarty, Edward Lafayette McCarty, Pamphila
Emzilla McCarty, and Pamelia McCarty - also
one other minor child resident in the State
of Mississippi vz Margaret Ann Marintha McCarty
making in all twelve heirs -- your petitioners represent
that there are but four debts due by the Estate and
the affairs of the Estate not requiring an administration
for any length of time -- That your petitioners are
desirous that said Estate should be partitioned at as
early a period as practicable and as the nature
of the property is such that it can not be partitioned
in kind a sale of all the property of
said Estate will be indispensably necessary in
order to effect a partition of the same -- Wherefore
your petitioners all joining in this application
for a sale of said property pray that a sale
thereof may be made at as early a day as practicable
and on such terms as may be prescribed by a
family meeting to be called and to consider and
act in this matter on the part of the minors
resident in this parish -- They pray also that
a Curator ad hoc be appointed to represent the
absent heir in Texas viz Elizabeth Thigpen and
a Curator ad hoc be appointed to represent the
absent minor in Mississippi viz Margaret Ann
Marintha McCarty -- That these curators
be duly notified of these proceedings according to
law. -- Petitioners concur with Allen McCarty
administrator of the Estate of said decedent in
his application for a sale of said property and
pray such other and further order in the
premises as the law and equity of the case
may require and for personal relief The --
petitioners withdraw their application for a family meeting. --

Test William Caves
                                        Willis McCarty
                                        Serrena Dampier (her mark)
                                        Martha Keen (her mark)
                                        Elisha Keen
                                        Charity Erskine (her mark)
                                        William Erskine
                                        Marina Peters (her mark)
                                        William Peters

Test William Caves
Willis McCarty                 Willis McCarty curator ad hoc
             to Margaret A. M. McCarty & Elizabeth Thigpen


Click on the links below for a copy of the original document:

Succession of Amos McCarty (pg 1)
Succession of Amos McCarty (pg 2)