Confirmation of Amos McCarty as Tutor to
Elizabeth McCarty and Sarah Jane McCarty

State of Louisiana
Parish of Catahoula

I Amos McCarty natural Tutor
to Elizabeth McCarty and Sarah Jane McCarty,
minor heirs of Elizabeth Walker alias Elizabeth Mc-
Carty deceased do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully
discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon
me in that capacity according to the best of my abilities
and understanding and according to Law So help me

Sworn to & subscribed before me
this 26 day of July AD 1847.           Amos McCarty
Wm. M. Tew Clerk

State of Louisiana
Parish of Catahoula

I John Dampier under Tutor to
Elizabeth McCarty and Sarah Jane McCarty minor
heirs of Amos McCartney [sic] and Elizabeth McCartney [sic]
dec'd, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully dis-
charge and perform all the duties incumbent upon
me in that capacity according to the best of my
abilities and understanding and according to Law
so help me God.

Sworn to & subscribed before me
this 26 day of July AD 1847.           John Dampier
Wm. M. Tew Clerk

State of Louisiana           Clerks Office District Court
Parish of Catahoula

Be it known that Amos McCarty
Tutor by nature to his minor children Elizabeth McCarty
and Sarah Jane McCarty minor heirs of his late wife
Elizabeth Walker alias Elizabeth McCartney [sic] dec'd.
is by these presents Confirmed in the Tutorship
of said Minors and appointed their Tutor, he having
taken the Oath required by Law. And I do by
these presents Authorize the said Tutor to discharge
and perform all the duties incumbent upon him
in his Said Capacity according to Law.
Sworn under my hand and the Seal
of the Said Comt. this 26 day of July
AD 1847.           Wm. M. Tew Clerk

State of Louisiana          Clerks Office District Court
Parish of Catahoula

Be it known that John
Dampier Under Tutor to Elizabeth McCarty
and Sarah Jane McCarty, minor heirs of [Amos McCarty and - deleted]
Elizabeth McCarty dec'd. is confirmed
in this said appointment he having taken the Oath
required by Law. And I do by these presents
Authorize him to discharge and perform all the
duties incumbent upon him in his said capacity
according to Law. Given under my hand and
the Seal of the Said Comt. this 26
day of July AD 1847.
          Wm. M. Tew Clerk

In or before the First day of
January next I promise to pay
William J. Thigpen the sum of
sixty nine dollars and Forty cts
for value Received this 3 d May 1849.
          Amos McCarty


Click on the links below for copies of the original document:

Tutorship Confirmation (page 1)
Tutorship Confirmation (page 2)