Alpha Xi Chapter, Mississippi (Zeta)
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International honors Anise
McDaniel Brock as a symbol of all our members who have
contributed to the success of the Society.
Anise McDaniel Brock graduated from Mississippi College
in 1943 and taught music and primary grades for 42 years in the
Moss Point, Mississippi, schools. The oldest of six children, she
was valedictorian of her senior class in 1940. She was initiated
into Alpha Xi chapter in 1979 when this new chapter was
organized in Moss Point. Anise was an active member serving
on various committees at both the chapter and state level. She was chapter president
1980-1982. She always shared her musical talent with her chapter and with Zeta
In 1974 Jane McDaniel Wade, her sister, was initiated into Zeta chapter
in Biloxi, Mississippi. In 1978 Jane became a charter member of Alpha Lambda
chapter in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Jane is an active member today having served
as chapter president, treasurer, secretary and on several state committees. Another
sister, Annette McDaniel Robertson Smith, became a member in the 1980's in
Anaheim, California, transferred her membership to Lambda chapter in Louisiana
and then to Alpha Mu chapter in Mississippi. Annette is no longer a member.
All three sisters were very musical and provided music for chapter and state
meetings, especially music for the Hour of Remembrance at state conventions. Anise
often provided piano or organ accompaniment for Annette who played the violin.
Anise served as the organist for First Baptist Church of Moss Point for more than
50 years.
These three sisters have nearly 80 years of combined membership in
the Society. They represent the many members who are active in their chapters,
hold offices, attend state meetings and share their talents. They were invited to
membership because they evidenced distinctive service in the field of education.
Their visions and actions have advanced the Society. We salute them today as we
honor Anise!
Anise McDaniel Brock