Online Source:

Extracted from The Winn Parish Enterprise News-American (Winnfield, LA)
Thursday, October 26, 1939

Funeral Services For Mrs. A. M. Swanson Held Here Sunday
Dies Saturday Morning in Monroe, La., After Short Illness

Funeral services were held at the First Baptist Church Sunday afternoon for Mrs. Anna Machen Swanson, 64, with the Rev. H. H. McBride, Rev. G. A. Morgan, and Rev. Alsin Stokes officiating. Burial was made in the Winnfield Cemetery.

Mrs. Swanson died in a Monroe sanitarium early Saturday morning following an illness of about two weeks.

On January 25, 1889, Miss Anna Machen was married to Carl M. Swanson. To this marriage four children were born. Her husband and three children preceded her in death.

The parents of the deceased were Frank M. Machen and Martha Milam. She was one of eight children of her parents. She was born near Winnfield and spent her entire life in and near Winnfield.

Mrs. Swanson was one of the best known and loved women of Winnfield. For more than 30 years she and her late husband operated the Swanson Restaurant here. She was well known for her great friendship and sympathy for people generally, and her constant, sympathetic and intelligent conversations with them. She was a member of the First Baptist Church.

Acting as pallbearers at the funeral were John Emerson, Bryant Sholars, Miley Walsworth, Buddy Heard, Jim Wright, B. L. Anderson, L. F. Morrison, and V. L. Brumfield, Jonesboro.

Mrs. Swanson is survived by one son, Clyde Fittz Swanson; one grandson, Cllyde Fittz Swanson, Jr.; one brother, Turner D. Machen of Linden, Texas; and a large number of nieces and nephews.

Among the out of town relatives and friends attending the funeral of Mrs. Anna Swanson Sunday afternoon were: Mrs. Bertha Wallace, Mrs. Sena Walters, Mrs. Josie Mathews, Mrs. Inez Peters, and Julius Long of Shreveport; Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Milam, Mrs. Eva Hart, Mrs. Johnny Smith Elbert, Miss Virginia Sheen, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Henry, and Mrs. Amos Smelcer of Monroe; Mr. and Mrs. Odell Machen and baby of Cotton Valley; Mr. and Mrs. Olan Machen, Mr. and Mrs. Oma Machen and daughter, Martha Jane, and Mrs. Ella Machen of Springhill; T. D. Machen and sons, Bobby and Clarence of Linden, Texas; Mr. Will Mathis of Odessa, Texas; Mrs. Clara Layfield of Milam, Texas; Mrs. Anna Machen and daughter of Lufkin, Texas; Mrs. Johnnie Crump of Lufkin, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Brumfield, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Swanson and children and Mrs. John Swanson of Jonesboro.

Online Source:

Extracted from The Winn Parish Enterprise News-American (Winnfield, LA)
Friday, October 27, 1939

Mrs. Annie Swanson Dies Saturday A. M. Following Illness
Funeral Services Sunday P. M. at First Baptist Church

Mrs. Annie Machen Swanson, member of one of Winn Parish's pioneer families, died in a hospital in Monroe early last Saturday morning following an illness of about two weeks.

Funeral services were held here Sunday at two-thirty o'clock at the First Baptist Church of which she was a member, conducted by the Rev. H. H. McBride, pastor, assisted by Rev. G. A. Morgan, pastor of the First Methodist Church, and Rev. Alwin Stokes, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Interment was in Winnfield Cemetery under direction of Walsh Funeral Home.

Mrs. Swanson was the daughter of the Frank and Martha Machen, who with their respective families came here from Georgia when small children. The deceased was born on November 3, 1875 near Winnfield. January 25, 1899 she was married to Carl M. Swanson and to them four children were born, one of whom, Clyde Fittz Swanson, survives. Mr. Swanson died in 1936.

Mr. and Mrs. Swanson for more than 30 years owned and operated Swanson's Restaurant here and during their period of service they rendered themselves to the local people as well as hundreds of others who frequently or occasionally came to Winnfield. After Mr. Swanson's death Mrs. Swanson continued the business and that she was one of the most beloved women of this section was attested to by the large attendance at the last rites on Sunday.

Besides her son, Clyde Fittz Swanson and one grandchild, Clyde, Jr., Mrs. Swanson is survived by one brother, T. D. Machen of Linden, Texas, and a number of nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers at the funeral services included Bryant Sholars, G. M. Walsworth, B. L. Anderson, V. L. Brumfield, J. D. Wright, John Emerson, L. F. Morrison, and E. P. Heard.