Extracted from The Yuma Daily Sun and The Yuma Arizona Sentinel (Yuma, AZ)
Monday, April 22, 1940

Mrs. Anna Price Succumbs Here

Mrs. Anna Gertie Price, 49 years old, a native of Bryant Station, Tenn., but a resident of Yuma since 1920, died yesterday morning at the family home, 128 South Eighth avenue.

The husband, L. P. [sic S. P.] Price, and four daughters survive.

Mr. Price operates a restaurant concession at the Yuma Bowling Center.

Funeral services had not been completed this noon but were awaiting word from a daughter residing in the east.

Extracted from The Yuma Daily Sun and The Yuma Arizona Sentinel (Yuma, AZ)
Tuesday, April 23, 1940

Plan Final Rites For Mrs. Price Tomorrow At 3

Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Gertie Price, 49, who died Sunday at the family home, 128 So. Eighth avenue, will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 at the O. C. Johnson chapel, it was announced today at the Johnson mortuary. The Rev. E. H. Brimbeay, pastor of the Seventh Street Christian church, will officiate. Burial will take place in Desert Lawn Memorial park.

Surviving are the husband, Simon (Si) Price and four daughters.