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Extracted from The Jackson Independent (Jackson Parish, LA)
Thursday, February 7, 1918

Arvel E. Burnside

The host of friends of Arvel E. Burnside were deeply grieved to learn of his death, which occurred at his home in Jonesboro at 5 o'clock yesterday morning, where he had been confined to his bed for several weeks. It was known for sometime that the condition of his health was regarded as uncertain, owing to an ailment of the throat.

Mr. Burnside was a native of Arkansas but a resident of Jonesboro for many years, age 41 years, one month and 21 days and was a young man of admirable character and many excellent qualities. He was highly regarded by all who knew him, and the untimely termination of his promising career is widely and sincerely deplored. The remains were conveyed to the Baptist church this afternoon where the funeral was held at 2 o'clock, and interment in the Jonesboro cemetery under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge.

Mr. Burnside leaves to mourn his loss his wife and two children, besides his aged parents, Mr. And Mrs. J. G. Burnside, one brother, Elvin Burnside, and a host of relatives and friends here and in Arkansas.

The Independent joins in extending assurance of profound sympathy to the bereaved family.