Will of Caroline SPRADLEY, Wife of William MCDANIEL

The State of Texas, Panola County

Know all men by these presents that I Caroline McDaniel wife of William McDaniel of the County and State first above written being in good health and of sound and disposing memory do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made.

First--I give to Horace McDaniel (my beloved son) (80) eighty acres of land the Jonathan P. Gibbs Head Right Survey upon which I now reside being the 80 acres off of the south end of said survey of 320 acres together with (70) seventy acres off of Thomas Pandrill (?) Head Right survey to be taken out of the N.E. corner of said survey. This special bequest is made in consideration that said son Horace McDaniel will remain with me and my beloved husband William McDaniel during our natural lives and assist my husband in the management of his affairs he being old and blind and unable to get about and attend to much business.

Second--I give to my children James H. McDaniel, Thomas B. McDaniel, Florence E. Collins wife of John J. Collins, Sarah L. Hooker wife of Henry C. Hooker, Henry C. McDaniel and Horace McDaniel all the rest and residue of my estate, both real and personal to be divided between them equally share and share alike.

Third--I constitute and appoint James H. McDaniel and Horace McDaniel Executors of this my last will and testament, and direct that no security shall be required of them as executors.

Fourth--It is my desire and will that no other action shall be had in the probate court in the administration of my estate than to prove and record this will and to return and inventory of my estate.

And I authorize my said executors or whichever of them shall except and act as such to sell all or any of my estate (except that that is herein specially bequeathed to Horace McDaniel) as either public or private sale and in the manner that may seem to them to be best, for the purpose of partition and paying to each one his share as divised to him herein. That all of my estate is to remain together as long as me or my husband lives. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this the 6th day of July AD 1876 in the presence of A. M. Carter and J. L. Norman who attest the same as witnesses at my request.

Caroline McDaniel
(her mark)

The above instrument was now here subscribed by Caroline McDaniel the testatrix in our presence and we at her request and in her presence sign our names hereto as witnesses.

A. M. Carter
J. L. Norman