Extracted from The Shreveport Times (Shreveport, LA)
Friday, October 29, 1954


HENDERSON, Tex., Oct. 28 (Special) -- Mrs. Carrie B. Tully, 46, of Price, died at her home here today.

Funeral services will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Carlisle Church of Christ, with burial in Blackjack Cemetery.

Surviving besides her husband, are a son, Jack, of Orange; three brothers, W. H. and G. W. Thomas of Price, and Vinson Thomas, of Alexandria, La.; three sisters, Mrs. Corene Kincaid, Kilgore, Mrs. Ruth Pickett, Price, and Mrs. Eddie Beaver, Louann, Ark.; her mother, Mrs. Augusta Julius, Seminole, Okla., and three grandchildren.