Extracted from The Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock, AR)
Wednesday, May 20, 1959

Legislative Leader Dies

Carroll Hollensworth Was Former Speaker, Key Figure in House

Warren (AP) -- Rep. Carroll C. Hollensworth of Bradley county, veteran legislator and former speaker of the Arkansas House, died last night at a local hospital after suffering a heart attack.

The 58-year-old lawmaker was stricken in his home a few hours earlier.

Hollensworth suffered a heart attack during the regular session of the general assembly several months ago and spent some weeks in a Little Rock hospital. He had been under the care of a physician since that time.

His legislative service totaled 21 years and he was regarded as one of the key men in the House. He served as speaker in the 1953 session and after that was floor leader.

He was chairman of the Rules Committee, vice chairman of the Legislative Efficiency Committee and a member of the Budget Committee. These are among the most influential committees in the House.

Hollensworth had a law practice here.

He was the son of a Presbyterian minister and was born here.

Hollensworth belonged to the 1st Presbyterian Church here, and was a veteran of World War I and a Shriner.

Survivors include his widow; a son, Joe Hollensworth, North Little Rock; a daughter, Mrs. James Coyne jr., Williamsburg, Va.; a sister, Mrs. Lilburn A. Henderson, Little Rock, and one grandchild.

Funeral arrangements were pending.

Governor Faubus, referring to the death of Mr. Hollensworth, said today, “The legislature won't be the same without him.”

The governor said that Mr. Hollensworth was “one of the most able men I have ever seen in the legislature.” He said he would attend funeral services.