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Extracted from The Winn Parish News-American (Winnfield, LA)
Friday, March 2, 1934

Funeral Services for Charles A. Rivet Held in Alexandria

Charles A. Rivet, age 33, died in New Orleans at eleven o'clock on Monday, February 26, following an illness extending over a period of several months.

The deceased was a resident of Alexandria having been employed for a number of years by the Texas & Pacific Railway Company as a telegraph operator. He has a large circle of friends who will regret to learn of his passing.

He is survived by his wife, who before her marriage was Miss Hazel Buce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Buce of Winnfield, and two children, Robert Buce and Carolyn.

The body was brought from New Orleans Tuesday and funeral services were conducted by Rev. E. E. Colvin and Dr. Carl A. DeVane, pastor of the Calvary Baptist and the Emmanuel Baptist Churches, respectively, assisted by Rev. A. E. Pardue. Interment was made in the Greenwood Memorial Park under the direction of Hixson Brothers, funeral directors.

Pallbearers were R. M. Nash, Jr., G. C. Stokes, D. C. Black, Frank Hickman, Sam Poole, and Julius Bossier.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Buce and daughter, Miss Evelyn, attended the funeral services from here, and they were accompanied home by Mrs. Rivet and her two children, who will remain here for a while.