Family of Charlotte TULLY

Birth: 27 FEB 1943 (Beaumont, Jefferson Co., TX)
Last known address: Beaumont, Jefferson Co., TX

Grandparents Parents Siblings
Roy Stanton TULLY
b. 2 JUL 1895 (LA)
d. 24 FEB 1959

Gertrude Thelma WINGATE
b. 5 AUG 1898 (TX)
d. 9 DEC 1975

Louis Winfred (“Beans”) TULLY
b. 18 JAN 1917 (TX)
d. 3 APR 1992
Roy Allen TULLY
b. 20 MAY 1939 (TX)

Winfred Lee (“Pug”) TULLY
b. 19 AUG 1941 (TX)
d. 1 SEP 2004

Loye Gene TULLY
b. 5 SEP 1945 (TX)
d. 6 OCT 1967

Edward McCarty
(“Mack”) TULLY
b. 5 FEB 1948 (TX)

Enoch Allen MCCARTY
b. 9 JUL 1877 (IL)
d. 12 OCT 1962

Lottie Ann WASSON
b. 9 SEP 1884 (IL)
d. 7 AUG 1963

Willie Lee MCCARTY
b. 27 JUL 1917 (TX)
d. 2 JUL 1995

Spouse Marriage Children
Robert Andrew HIDALGO
b. 26 SEP 1941 (TX)
8 SEP 1962
Jefferson Co., TX
Robert Keith HIDALGO
b. 5 FEB 1964 (TX)

b. 12 DEC 1966 (TX)

Kevin Andrew HIDALGO
b. 11 NOV 1969 (TX)

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Last updated on June 29, 2017.