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Extracted from The Winn Parish Enterprise (Winnfield, LA)
Thursday, September 24, 1936

Former Winn Resident Dies in Arizona

Pneumonia Claims Mrs. Cloya Taylor King September 13th

Mrs. Cloya Taylor King, 25 years old, died at her home September 13th at McNary, Arizona, of double pneumonia. Mrs. King was born and reared in Winn Parish and was a resident of Winn Parish until a month and a half ago when she moved to McNary and lived there until her death. She was buried in the McNary Cemetery which is located on the side of a mountain and is covered with wild flowers.

Mrs. King is survived by her two children, Betty Jean, and Billie, her husband, Mr. King; Mrs. W. R. Taylor, her mother, and several brothers and sisters. They are Mr. Jas. A. Taylor and Mr. Armond [sic Armon] Taylor, of Winnfield, Mrs. J. W. Wilkerson and Mrs. E. W. Wilkerson of Joyce, Mrs. D. H. Kelly of Camp Murray, Mrs. Judge L. Smith and Mrs. Austin Jordan of Winnfield. Besides her relatives she left a host of friends in Winnfield and McNary.