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Extracted from The Winn Parish Enterprise (Winnfield, LA)
Thursday, January 17, 1929

Talbert D. Buchans, Hurt In December, Has Relapse, Dies

Talbert D. Buchans, age 42, of this place, who was seriously injured last December 15, while tripping logs near Dodson, La., was preparing to leave the Baptist Sanitarium, Alexandria, to return home, when complications brought about a relapse and he died at 12:45 Thursday, January 10, 1929. His remains were brought to Winnfield Thursday and funeral services were conducted at 10 o'clock Friday morning. Interment was in the Winnfield Cemetery.

Mr. Buchans was injured when he fell on a pile of logs, fracturing his skull. He was carried to the Alexandria sanitarium where he showed all indications of a rapid recovery. During the two weeks preceding his death, he had been wheeling about the hospital in a rolling chair. His recovery seemed almost certain and death came as a surprise to his relatives and many friends.

The deceased is survived by a wife and six children, they being Dessima, Roy, Lois, Louise, Troy, and Troice, all of Winnfield.