Extracted from The Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock, AR)
Tuesday, April 17, 1928

D. A. Rimes of Magnolia Found Dead at Hot Springs.

Special to the Gazette.

Magnolia, April 16. -- D. A. Rimes, proprietor of the Early shop here, aged 60, was found dead in bed at a hotel in Hot Springs this mornng, according to a message received here by his niece, Mrs. Jack Keeley. Mr. Rimes went to Hot Springs Friday to recuperate after an attack of influenza, and was considered improving. His mother, Mrs. R. F. Rimes of this city, and a daughter in Los Angeles are his nearest surviving relatives.

Extracted from The Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock, AR)
Wednesday, April 18, 1928

Derrell A. Rimes

Special to the Gazette.

Texarkana, April 17. -- Derrell A. Rimes, aged 60, died in Hot Springs yesterday. The body was brought here for burial. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Sallie Rimes, of Magnolia, and one daughter, Mrs. G. E. Harper, of Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. Rimes was reared in Texarkana and for several years was well know in local business circles.