Extracted from The Blocton Enterprise (West Blocton, AL)
Thursday, July 3, 1913


News reached her early Tuesday morning of the sad death of Lowrey, the little 4-year-old son of Mrs. Pearl Clifton, at River Bend. The little fellow was out playing with his brother, a little older than he, when he was bitten by a large rattlesnake on his leg above the ankle. The little brother who was with him told his mother about it, but the snake made its escape before being killed. A physician was sent for, but being some distance away could not reach them in time to save the life of the little sufferer, who became unconsicious soon after he was bitten, and died about two o'clock Tuesday morning. Everything that the terrified young mother, friends and relatives knew to do was done before the arrival of a physician, but to no avail, and upon his arrival we are told the doctor said that the bite was such a severe one it was doubtful if he could have saved him, though had he been there earlier he might have done so.

Mrs. Clifton before marriage was Miss Pearl Lowrey, and has only recently lost her husband and one child, which makes the losing of this one doubly hard.

The remains were interred yesterday morning at 11 o'clock in Schultz Creek cemetery, Rev. Burrell Dyer conducting the funeral service.

The Enterprise, together with a host of friends, extends sincerest sympathy to the heart-broken mother and relatives.