Extracted from The Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS)
Thursday, July 23, 1936


Victim of Automobile Accident is Buried in Cedarlawn Yesterday

Funeral services for Edward Jess Puckett, 31, of 708 Commerce Street, who died at a local hospital late Tuesday night following injuries sustained in an automobile accident on Monument street two weeks ago, were held today from the Baldwin Funeral chapel. Rev. W. A. Hall, pastor of the Power Memorial Presbyterian church, officiated.

The accident occurred when the car which Dewey Boles, of Crystal Springs, was driving ran wild at the corner of Monument and Bratton streets and crashed into a telephone pole. Puckett, who was riding in the car, was pierced through the abdomen and although in a serious condition, was believed to have been improving. Boles, who was believed to be in a more serious condition than Pickett [sic Puckett] and who suffered a severe chest injury, was returned to his home in Crystal Springs last Tuesday.

Puckett is survived by his mother, Mrs. M. C. Puckett, Jackson; two brothers, D. J. Puckett, Jackson; Louis Puckett, Holly Bluff; and three sisters, Miss Louise Puckett, Jackson; Mrs. Irene Garrett, Jackson and Mrs. R. F. Sheehan, of Lexington.

Pallbearers were: Joe Sant, Joe Kiskle, Pete Spain, W. F. Phillips, Clyde Downing and Walter Sant.

Burial was made in the Cedarlawn cemetery.