Will of Edward LAREMON

South Carolina in the District of Ninety Six in the Name of God Amen. I Edward LarEmon
of the district afore said being through the abundant mercy and Goodness of God tho
weak in body yet of sound mind and perfect understanding and memary do constitute
this my last will and testament and desire it may be received by all as Such.  First - I
most humbly bequeath my sole to God my maker beseching his most gracious acception
of it through the all sufficent merits medeation of my most Compassionate Redeemer
Jesus Christ who gave himself to be an atonement for our sins and is able to save to
the uttermost all that come to God by him seeing he ever liveth to make interseon
for them and who I trust will not reject me a returning pentinent sinner when I come
to him for mercy in this hope.  I render my love to God. I give my body to the Earth
from whence it was taken in full assurence of its Resurrection from thence at the
Last day as my Burial.  I desire it may be without Pomp or state at the Discrison of
my Dear wife and my Executors have after named who I dout not will manage it
with all Prudence as to my worly Estate I will and positively order that all my Deabts
be paid first.  I give to my Dear wife the Plantation whare I now live and A negro
fallow named fortin and all my goods Cattil horses and hogs housel furniture and
plantation touls in During her Widowhood Excepting Browna and hir increes I give to
Danil LarEmon my youngest son and one Bay mare caled Bonna and I give my
daughter Hester LorEmon one Cow called Sislien and her in Crees and Likewise I
give to my Daughter Sahrah LarEmon one cow caled Marrical and her increes
and at my wifes marriage or Deces I give all my lands and negro fallon and the
plantation tools and the work horses and the stil and vessels to Dannel LarEmon my
youngest son and to all the rest of my airs I lave one shilling starting to each of them
and I do constitute my Dear wife Martha LarEmon and John Billenger to be Executors
of this my last Will and Tatament in witmess whareoff.  I have hareunto set my hand
and seal this twenty seven day of March in the year of our Lord 1785.
His witness    John X Messner                Jame X McCarty
                       his mark                         his mark
           William X McCarty                         Edward X McCarty
               his mark                                    his mark