Extracted from The Santa Cruz Sentinel (Santa Cruz, CA)
Resident of Rancho Cordova
Elmer Brown passed on June 2, 2012. His three sons and family were with him at his home in Rancho Cordova, CA where he lived with his son Steve and daughter-in-law of 42 years, LaDel. For years he was known as “Brownie” to friends and colleagues.
He was born on August 19, 1923 in Shingle Springs, CA. He married Clarice “Skipper” Brown on June 2, 1946 and passed on what would have been their 66th wedding anniversary. She preceded him in death on May 31, 2003. They have three sons, Michael “Mike” Brown (wife Colleen) of Morgan Hill, Steve Brown (wife LaDel) of Rancho Cordova, and Tim Brown (wife Jessica) of Santa Cruz. He is survived by the remaining close family of grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Brownie was raised by a foster mother, Ruby Van Ryn in Newman, CA where he attended school. He served in the United States Army, 92nd Division, 386th Infantry Division. Having served in the European and Pacific theaters of war, he received an honorable discharge on February 25, 1946. His life long interest and passion was automotive and mechanical endeavors. He worked for Patchett Motors and established “Brownie's Auto Clinic” a Dodge/Plymouth dealership, both in Newman, CA. In 1960 he acquired “Brownie's Mobile Service” at 1102 Pacific Avenue in Santa Cruz. Later he worked as Service Manager in various Santa Cruz auto dealerships. In his retirement he operated “Brownie's Westside Workbench” where many gathered for coffee and conversation.
He was elected as a member of the Orestimba Unified School District Board in Newman. He was a life time member of Santa Cruz Elk's Lodge #824 where he served two terms as Exalted Ruler. He was a member of Christian Life Center, Santa Cruz and later Aptos Christian Fellowship, Aptos. He loved golfing, especially with his three sons at Pebble Beach. In later years he enjoyed his “little red car” and daily visits to Starbucks for coffee and banter with good friends.
The family is planning a private celebration of life for both Brownie and Skipper at a later date.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Elmer B. Brown
Aug. 19, 1923 - June 2, 2012