Extracted from The Abilene News-Reporter (Abilene, TX)
Sunday, November 5, 1944

Midland Man's Funeral Sunday

MIDLAND, Nov. 4 (Spl) -- Frank Ingham, 78, a resident of Midland 16 years, died in his home Thursday evening. Funeral services will be held in the First Christian church Sunday with the Rev. J. E. Pickering officiating.

He was born September 8, 1866, in Nebraska City, Neb., and moved to California when he was 10. Six years later he moved to Taylor County.

Mr. and Mrs. Ingham were married July 15,1888 at Abilene. They moved to Crockett County where they ranched for a number of years. They then moved to Reagan County where they ranched until 1928. Ingham retired from active ranching in 1928 and moved to Midland. He had been in ill health for several months.

Surviving are the widow: six children; Clyde Ingham of Monahans, Mrs. H. D. Carlock of Tucumcari, N. M., Mrs. L. B. Pemberton and Mrs. L. A. Arrington of Midland, Sgt. Seth Ingham, now serving in the Netherlands East Indies, and Homer Ingham of Las Vegas, N. M., and 11 grandchildren.