Geaga County, OH
Wills 1891-1905 vol D-E, pp 220-222

George William Wilson Estate
Will and proof of same

Be it remembered that a Probate Court held at the Probate office in Chardon within and for the County of Geauga in the State of Ohio on the fifth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety three by and before the Honorable H. K. Smith Judge of said Court the last Will and Testament of George William Wilson late of Chardon Geauga County Ohio deceased was this day duly presented and filed in this Court for probate. And Amanda M Wilson the widow of decedent and Lawson W. Wilson the only next of kind of decedent being present this cause came on to be heard and E. E. McCalmont and W. S. Metcalfe appearing were sworn and examined in open Court touching the due execution and attestation of the last Will and Testament of George William Wilson deceased and their testimony reduced to writing signed by them and placed on file, which said testimony is in the words and figures following to wit.

The State of Ohio
Geauga County SS

In the Probate Court at Chardon in and for said County on the 5th day of December 1893 Testimony in proof of the last Will and Testament of Geo Wm Wilson deceased late of the township of Chardon in said County. E. E. McCalmont and W. S. Metcalfe the subscribing witnesses to the last Will and Testament of said George Wm Wilson deceased being duly sworn and examined in open Court on the day and year aforesaid depose and say that the said Testator at the time of executing his said last Will and Testament was of full age and of sound mind and memory and not under any restraint and that they signed as witnesses to said Will in the presence of said Testator and by his special request, and also in the presence of each other and that said Testator executed said Will in their presence.

E. E. McCalmont
W. S. Metcalfe

Which said testimony was reduced to writing and signed by said witnesses in open Court this 5th day of December A.D. 1893.

Attest H. K. Smith Judge

On consideration whereof the Court find that said Will was duly executed and attested and that said Testator at the time of executing the same was of lawful age of sound mind and memory and not under any unlawful restraint; the Court thereupon approve and establish said Will as the true and valid last Will and Testament of George William Wilson deceased and order that said Will and testimony be recorded.

The said Will is in the words and figures following to wit


Be it remembered that I George William Wilson of Chardon Geauga County Ohio do, make, and publish this my last Will and Testament as follows.

Item 1 I direct that my just debts and funeral expenses be first paid out of my personal property.

Item 2 I give to my wife Amanda M Wilson all my undivided interest in the farm in Auburn Township Geauga County Ohio which descended to me by devise from my brother James Wilson with full power to dispose of the same or so much thereof as may be necessary for her support and maintenance during her natural life, and in the event that my brother Lawson W. Wilson shall survive my said wife it is my will that my said brother shall have whatever may remain unexpended of said farm, but if my said wife shall survive my said brother then I give devise and bequeath to her the remainder of said Estate to her and her heirs forever.

Item 3 I give devise and bequeath to my said wife all the remainder of my property both real and personal, And appoint her Executrix of this my will.

Witness my hand this 21 day of October 1893

Geo. Wm Wilson

Signed and acknowledged by the said George Wm Wilson in our presence and signed by us in his presence and in the presence of each other this 21 day of October 1893.

E. E. McCalmont
W S Metcalfe

The State of Ohio
Geauga County SS

I H. K. Smith Judge of the Probate Court within and for said County do certify that the above and foregoing is a full true and complete record of the last will and testament of George William Wilson deceased and of the testimony of the witnesses to prove the same together with the orders and entries made in said Court concerning the same.

Attest H.K. Smith Judge

Scan of original document (page 1)
Scan of original document (page 2)