Extracted from The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA)
Saturday, February 28, 1931

Funeral Is Held for Mrs. Parker in Mississippi

Funeral services for Mrs. Hattie M. Parker were held yesterday ni Centerville [sic in Centreville], Miss., her former home, following the arrival of her body there from Baton Rouge yesterday. Mrs. Parker passed away Thursday night at Our Lady of the Lake sanitarium where she had been conveyed for treatment.

Mrs. Parker, who was 42 years of age, had been in failing health for two years, and for the past two weeks had been seriously ill. She was born in Amite county, Miss., but had lived here for some 15 years and had numerous friends here. She was a member of the Christian church.

Mrs. Parker leaves her husband, Hilton D. Parker; three children, Miss Clara Parker, Mrs. J. M. Henderson and D. W. Parker, all of Istrouma; seven brothers, Jess Crum of Canton, Miss.; Wiley Crum of Gloster, Miss., and Dan, Albert, Lloyd, Jim and George Crum, all of Istrouma, and two sisters, Mrs. Ora Gore of North Highlands and Mrs. Lillie Whittington of Istrouma.