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Extracted from The Winn Parish Enterprise (Winnfield, LA)
Wednesday, February 3, 1932

Horace Miller Commits Suicide Wednesday Night

Funeral Services Held At 2 O'Clock Thursday Afternoon At Gorham Town

Horace Miller, about 30 years old, committed suicide Wednesday night by taking 10 or 15 grains of strychnine, at 6 o'clock. Miller, despondent over finances and the loss of a $ 5 bill, which was taken from him by a negro earlier in the day, went to Dr. J. F. Faith's office and asked him for some strychnine to kill a dog that had sore mouth. Dr. Faith said he soon found out that Miller wanted it for himself and refused to give him any. Miller left saying he would get it somehow.

At about 7 o'clock, Dr. Fait[h] was called to the corner of J. E. Ray's store, where Miller had fallen due to the effects of the drug. About 10 or 15 grams were gone from the bottle of strychnine which the man had secured.

Miller lived about 3 1/2 hours, dying at the home of his brother in South Winnfield.

Miller was at one time an employee of the Mansfield Hardwood Lumber Co. He is survived by a wife and two children, who live in Gorham Town.

Funeral services were held at Gorham Cemetery this afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. A. H. Cullen, in charge.

Bush McCarty, negro, has been arrested by town marshal, W. H. Peters, and put in jail. The negro is supposed to have witnessed another negro, Charles Montgomery, take the $ 5 from Miller. The negro who is alleged to have taken the money has not been arrested.