Extracted from The Jackson Independent (Jonesboro, LA)
Thursday, April 18, 1918


We, your committee, appointed to draft resolutions of respect on the death of our late brother, Dr. James Albert Gaar, beg leave to report as follows:

From our Chapter a “star” has gone to “the infinite meadows of heaven” and we who linger here sadly miss the radiance of his smile, his unflagging energy and optimism.

On March 12th, 1918, our brother passed on to a broader and more beautiful realm of work, and with his going Crescent Chapter has lost one of its brightest stars.

Brother Gaar had been in bad health for some time, but his indominal [sic indomitable] will and energy kept him up and even his nearest and dearest did not dream that the end was so near, consequently when the news was flashed around it was a great shock to all. His was such a rare character that it is impossible to express our love and appreciation of him. Tender, loving, patient and kind to all, we cannot understand why a life so useful so needed, should be ended on earth. Yet, we know our Heavenly Father cannot make a mistake, and that it was done in love. He leaves with his friends as a heritage the memories and example of a beautiful life, unselfishly lived.

“To other lives thou didst impart
Those treasures which to thee were given
Dispelling darkness making bright;
The good thou didst to others give has
Made thy path a shining light.”

That in his death our Chapter has lost one of its brightest stars, the community a valuable citizen, the wife a dutiful husband, the children a loving father.

Therefore, be it resolved that Crescent Chapter No. 64 Order of the Eastern Star expresses and tenders to the widow and bereaved family its profound sympathy, and prays that the shadows that hang heavily over the broken home may rise and let the sunlight of hope and happiness shine again.

Be it further resolved that a copy of these resolutions be sent the family, a copy spread on our minutes and a copy handed the press for publication.

By the Committee.
Crescent Chapter No. 64 Order of the Eastern Star.