Extracted from The Butler Herald (Butler, GA)
Thursday, November 14, 1918

After an illness of only six days of pneumonia Mr. James Henry Taunton, a well-known, highly esteemed and prosperous young farmer of Mt. Pisgah community, passed away at his home Monday at noon.

All the care and love that skilled physicians and an anxious household could devise and apply for his comfort and assistance were brought into play, but He that rules over incomings and outgoings saw fit to take the sufferer's spirit to that home the Christians believe is the fulfillment of the life everlasting.

Mr. Taunton was the son of the late George W. Taunton, born and reared in this county. He was 31 years old, a man of fine qualities and clever nature who enjoyed the esteem and regard of all who knew him. He was a kind husband, affectionate father and dutiful son, full of energy and life, attended strictly to his agricultural pursuit and was always found trying to do that which was right toward his fellow-man. He always had a kind word and pleasant smile for all with whom he came in contact.

Mr. Taunton leaves a bereaved mother, a heart-stricken wife and two small children to mourn his death. The sympathy of all their friends go out to them in this sad bereavement.

Mr. Taunton was a Mason and filled a prominent station in the lodge at this place.

His remains were interred in the cemetery at Mt. Pisgah church Tuesday afternoon, being laid to rest with Masonic honors, a large number of the members of the order taking part in the exercises.