Extracted from The Caldwell Watchman (Columbia, LA)
Friday, June 19, 1914

James W. Dunn

Death has again claimed one of the oldest citizens of Caldwell parish in point of years and one who has done a man's part in the upbuilding of the parish since 1857.

James W. Dunn was born in Mississippi 86 years and 9 months ago. He fought a good fight and passed to his reward on Wednesday June 10, at the home of one of his grandsons, Ernest Dunn, at the latter's home near Olla. Mr. Dunn had been sick for a number of months, due to the infirmities of old age. He left his home Monday of last week to visti his grandson at Olla. On his arrival he was taken worse and gradually the spark of life became more and more dim until the end came peacefully of Wednesday.

Mr. Dunn is survived by a widow and two daughters -- Mrs. Prestige [sic Prestridge] of Olla and Mrs. McDaniel [sic McDonald], who lives on Bayou Macon -- a sister, Mrs. S. E. Thomas and one brother, D. J. Dunn, of Columbia. A large number of grandchildren also survive him.

James W. Dunn was born in Amite County, Miss., on Sept. 9, 1827. He grew up there and married. During 1857 he moved to Caldwell parish with his father, bringing his wife and three children. He settled in Ward 6, where he spent his days farming. When the civil war broke out he enlisted in the Twelfth Louisiana Infantry, and saw active service throughout the struggle. Returning home he was one of those who brought order out of chaos and restored the rule of the whites.

For the past several years, on account of his extreme age, he had been unable to take an active part in farm work.

The interment took place last Thursday in the Union Chapel cemetery, in Ward 9, where a host of his kin are sleeping their last sleep. The services were attended by a large number of relatives and friends.