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Extracted from The Winn Parish Enterprise (Winnfield, LA)
Thursday, November 16, 1950

Funeral Services Held Thursday For James Branch

James Wendell Branch, 24, of New Hope community, was buried Thursday afternoon following his death Wednesday in Winnfield General Hospital.

Funeral services were at 2:30 p.m. in New Hope Methodist Church with Rev. Roy Grant, officiating, and burial was in New Hope Cemetery under direction of Southern Funeral Home.

Wendell had been ill for several months with a kidney ailment, and was confined to the hospital for several weeks during that time. He had been taken home recently, when his condition grew worse he was returned to the hospital.

Survivors are his mother, Mrs. Morgan Branch; two brothers, Jack Branch of Jonesboro and John Branch of Ruston; three sisters, Mrs. G. C. Cockerham of Gaars Mill, Mrs. Alson Jeter of Winnfield, and Mrs. Ivey Rolen, also of Winnfield.