Extracted from The Alexandria Weekly Town Talk (Alexandria, LA)
Saturday, April 5, 1930

J. C. Segrist, 75, Dies Here

Once Owned and Edited Catahoula News At Harrisonburg

Jesse Cheney Segrist, aged 75 years, 5 months and 9 days, died at his residence, 1408 Sixth street, Alexandria, La., at 10 o'clock a.m., on Tuesday, April 1, 1930. The death of the deceased came after a week's illness. Mr. Segrist was one of the oldest newspaper men in the State.

He was born at Lake Providence, La., October 23, 1854, and spent his early childhood in his native town. When a boy in his 'teens, he entered the printing trade, having served as apprenticeship in newspaper offices in Columbia, Harrisonburg and Monroe. He became an expert practical printer and was a rapid “type-setter” in the old days of “hand composition.”

Later in life, he purchased the Catahoula News, at Harrisonburg, becoming its editor and proprietor. He owned and operated this paper for about thirty-five or forty years, selling out about ten years ago and moving with his family to Alexandria. He purchased a home in Sixth street, where the family have since resided.

During his residence at Harrisonburg he was engaged in agricultural pursuits and also in the mercantile business, and was one of the prominent citizens of Catahoula parish, having always been active in its affairs. He was a staunch Democrat and always took a great interest in politics.

While he was a man of strong convictions, he was as gentle as a child, and was possessed of a demeanor that made for him friends of all with whom he came in contact.

Since his residence in Alexandria, he had been engaged in the mercantile business and also in the job printing business. In the passing of Mr. Segrist, a good man has gone to his reward.

He was a life-long member of the Methodist Church and a member of the Masonic fraternity, having been a member and past member of Harrisonburg Lodge No. 110, F. and A. M.

His body was conveyed to the establishment of the Kelly Undertaking Company of which James Williams is manager, where it was prepared for burial and where it remained until Wednesday morning, when the funeral procession left for Harrisonburg. Interment was made in the Harrisonburg cemetery. The officers and members of Harrisonburg Lodge No.. 110, F. and A. M., attended in body and officiated at the grave.

Deceased is survived by his wife, one son and one daughter, Charles P. Segrist and Miss Louise Segrist. He leaves two grandchildren, all of Alexandria. He also leaves one sister, Mrs. Sallie Powell, of Barry, Texas.