Extracted from The Butler Herald (Butler, GA)
Thursday, December 6, 1923

Prominent Macon Co. Citizen Died Monday

In the death of Hon. J. J. Childres, of Garden Valley, Macon County, which occur[r]ed at the Plains hospital Monday night, following an operation for appendic[i]tis Macon county has lost one of its most prominent citizens. Mr. Childres for the several years had held the office of County Commissioner of Macon County, and on account of his good, business judgment, his liberality and reasonableness in his views, he won and maintained the confidence of the members of the board, and the admiration of his constituency. He was a model citizen, kind and generous to the poor, a neighbor with responsiveness in his heart to a neighbor's needs and wants. His place will be hard to fill in the office which he held and in the community in which he lived -- loved by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. His remains were interred with Masonic Honors by the Montezuma lodge, of which he was a member. The funeral service was conducted by his life-long friend, Rev. J. T. Adams. Many tributes of love and esteem were manifested by the large floral offerings which were beautiful and symbolical.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Josephene Whatley Childres, and four sons: Ernest, Roy, Earl and Edmond Childres; three brothers: Messrs Lee and Robert Childres, of Taylor and Benjamin Childres, of Talbot county, and three sisters: Mrs. Carry Awtry, of Atlanta, Mrs. Lizzie Wilder, of Crawford county, and Miss Nancy Childres of Macon county. He was also closely related to many prominent citizens of Taylor and Macon counties.