Online Source:

Extracted from ``A History of the Baptists of Louisiana From The Earliest Times to the Present'',
by Rev. W. E. Paxton, C. R. Barnes Publishing Co., St. Louis, 1888.
[pages 607 - 608]

Biography of Elder Joab B. Pratt

ELDER JOAB B. PRATT. -- This brother properly belongs to the State of Arkansas, but as he did effective service in this State, in the country north of Farmersville. I have determined to give him a short notice. He was born in North Carolina in 1798; thence he removed with his father to Bledsoe County, Tenn., in 1819. In 1820 he was married to Frances Pierson, and the same year moved to Bibb County., Ala. Soon afterwards he united with the Baptist church at Enon. He soon began to preach, and was ordained a few years later. He labored very successfully in this part of Alabama for about sixteen years. In 1841 he removed to Saline County, Ark. After laboring in that and the adjoining counties, he settled in Union County, where he continued to labor until his death, shortly after the war. For five or six years he preached to churches in Union Parish, La. He was a man of ability, and deserves to be remembered.