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Extracted from ``Memorial Record of Alabama'', Vol. I, p. 491-492
by Brant & Fuller (1893)

Biography of Joel Barton LOWREY

JOEL B. LOWRY, circuit court clerk of Bibb county, was born in the county, March 6, 1834. He is a son of Joel and Abigail (Pratt) Lowry, and a grandson of Samuel and Hannah (Peffers) Lowry. Samuel Lowry emigrated from Ireland to Virginia and thence to Tennessee, where he lived until his death. His widow then emigrated from Tennessee to Bibb county, Ala., where she lived till her death.

The father of Joel B. Lowry was born on a farm in Rhea county, Tenn., November 3, 1790, and his mother in 1800. They were married in Bledsoe county, Tenn., in 1818, and became the parents of eleven children, seven sons and four daughters. Six of these children are still living, viz.: Maria, widow of Thomas Jordan of Winn Parish,La. ; John, a farmer of Bibb county, Ala.; Adeline, widow of A. N. Hayes of Tuscaloosa county, Ala.; Rebecca C., wife of Henry T. Hale [sic Hall] of Louisiana; William F., a farmer of Bibb county; and Joel B., the subject of this sketch; the names of those deceased being as follows: James H.; Leonard P.; Mary A.; Charles C.; Isaac N. and Mary A. Woods. The mother of these children died August 4, 1845. The father then married Mararet Lytton [sic Litton], by whom he had two children, Fannie C. and an infant, both deceased. The mother of these children died July 21, 1884, and the father June 8, 1891. He served in the war of 1812 as corporal of his company. Mr. Lowry and his first wife were members of the Baptist church.

The subject of our sketch was reared on a farm and was educated at Sandy academy, Bibb county. On February 10, 1876, he married Miss Mary E. Thomas, a native of Perry county, Ala. She was a daughter of William and Sarah (Hawley) Thomas, and was born November 9, 1852. To this marriage there have been born six children, four sons and two daughters, as follows: Milford E.; William E.; Sarah A.; Clyde W.; Anna E. and Sydney C.

Our subject started out in life as a school teacher, following this vocation until the breaking out of the Civil war. He enlisted in company B, Forty-fourth Alabama infantry, under Captain John A. Jones, as a private soldier. In a short time he was promoted to sergeant and served as such until 1864. He was appointed ambulance sergeant and served until 1865.

He returned home at the end of the war, and resumed his profession. In 1871 he was elected tax assessor of Bibb county, serving three years, in which he was excelled by none, after which he managed a farm and taught school until 1890, when he was appointed clerk of the circuit court, which office he now holds. Politically he is a democrat.

He and his wife are members of the Baptist church. At the age of twenty-one years he had no education, but educated himself, and has proved to be competent to fill every position that has been offered to him.