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Extracted from The Winn Parish Enterprise (Winnfield, LA)
Thursday, December 29, 1932

Joe Ford Buried In Cemetery Here Tuesday

Former Resident of Winnfield Dies At Base Hospital in Alexandria

Funeral services for Joseph E. Ford, 35 years, who died from pneumonia at the Base hospital, Alexandria, Monday morning, were held at the Winnfield First Baptist Church, Tuesday. The Rev. A. H. Cullen had charge of the services. Burial was in the local cemetery.

Mr. Ford, with his family resided in Colfax, where he was employed as an automobile salesman. They formerly lived in Winnfield. Mr. Ford was born and reared near Sikes and is well known over the parish.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Eula Wasson Ford; three children, Jimmie, 7, Eula Dean, 9, and Katheryn, 11; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ford of Coushatta; and the following sisters and brothers: Edwin Ford of Sikes; Mrs. Ed Bell Fletcher of Oklahoma; and Mrs. Floyd Jones of Coushatta.