Johnston County, NC
Wills 1761-1860, Vol. 02, pp. 113-114

Last Will and Testament of Joseph J. Jernigan

January 21, 1863

This is to certify that all of this property and money that I give to father and mother and L. M. Jernigan, Blackman Jernigan and David Jernigan and Celia Ann Jernigan is to be mine as long as I live and then it is theirs.

Signed: Joseph J. Jernigan
Witness: Lewis M. Jernigan

January the 21, 1863. -- This is to certify that Joseph J. Jernigan has give Blackman Jernigan fifty dollars of my money to use and to spend or keep.

Joseph J. Jernigan (seal)

January the 21, 1863. -- This is to certify that Joseph J. Jernigan has give David Brint Jernigan fifty dollars of my money to use and to have.

Joseph J. Jernigan (seal)

January the 21, 1863. -- This is to certify that Joseph J. Jernigan has give to his father all his bacon and all of his stock hogs and all of his notes, and all of his fodder, and the rent to my place, to have and to use.

Joseph J. Jernigan (seal)

January the 21, 1863. -- This is to certify that Joseph J. Jernigan has give Celia Ann Jernigan his bed and bed stead and all of his household property for her to have to to use.

Joseph J. Jernigan (seal)

January the 21, 1863. -- This is to certify that Joseph J. Jernigan has given his mother fifty dollars of my money to use and have.

Joseph J. Jernigan (seal)

January the 21, 1863. -- This is to certify that Joseph J. Jernigan has give Lewis M. Jernigan fifty dollars of my money to use and to have.

Joseph J. Jernigan (seal)

North Carolina
Johnston County - Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, May Term 1868.

Before B. R. Hirmant, J. R. [Cevatis?], and Robt. Massingill, Justices of said Court, the foregoing paper writing purporting to be the last will & testament of Joseph J. Jernigan, deceased, is exhibited for probate in open Court, and the due execution thereof by the said Joseph J. Jernigan is proved by the oath & examination of Lewis M. Jernigan, the only satisfactory witness then to. And it is further proved by Jesse J. Jernigan and Celia Ann Jernigan, two credible witnesses, who maketh oath in due form that they verily believe that the name of the said Joseph J. Jernigan, subscribed to the said will, and to said will itself and every part thereof, are in the handwriting of the said Joseph J. Jernigan, and it is further proved by the said witnesses that the said handwriting is known by them -- they having seen him write. It is therefore considered by the Court, that the said paper writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of the said Joseph J. Jernigan, and the same is ordered to be recorded and filed. And thereupon, on motion, it is ordered by the Court, that Letters of Administration with the will annexed of the said Joseph J. Jernigan, be granted to Lewis M. Jernigan, upon his entering into bond in a penalty of $600 in with William Jernigan as surety, which is approved by the court. Bond Executed and administrator duly qualified.

Witness P. T. Massey, Clerk

Scan of original document (page 1)
Scan of original document (page 2)