Original Source: The Warren, Bradley Co., AR newspaper, February 1901

Copied from ``Lee Family History'', compiled by Virginia Witherington

A Good Citizen Dead

Monday evening at 1:30 o'clock, Mr. Josiah Lee died after an illness of about 10 days, age 75 years. He was taken with gripp in its most violent form and failed rapidly.

The deceased came to this county from Alabama at the age of 19 and has resided here continuously all the while.

He leaves five children, three sons and two daughters, as follows: Ex-sheriff J. S. Lee of Warren, Esquire J. A. Lee of Lanar, C. E. Lee who resides in Texas, Mrs. W. L. Higgason of Jersey and Mrs. Z. H. Wall of near Warren and a number of grandchildren. He was one of the pioneers of this section and for many years was a Justice of the Peace for Bradley County. He was a rugged, honest, upright man against whose character no reproach was ever cast, and at all times has enjoyed the confidence and esteem of every one. A man of sterling integrity, kind hearted and an earnest Christian, he leaves a long life unspotted as an honored legacy to his posterity.

He was one of the nicest and best farmers the county has ever had. He was a man of great industry, during his long residence here, opened up a number of farms all of which were pictures of neat appointments in every detail. The past three years he spent in improving the suburban home which was donated by kind friends in Warren to his grand-children orphans of Rev. and Mrs. George Rice. This home is a fitting monument to the industry and domestic traits of grand old man who became protector of those little orphan girls when their mother died in Fordyce a few years ago. While the death of Esquire Lee removes from the walks of men one of the County's best citizens, it but closes a well spent life which casts a triumphant glow over death and robs it of its sting and gloom. The remains were taken to Shady Grove burial grounds and laid to rest in the family plot.