Extracted from The Woodville Republican (Woodville, MS)
To all persons having or claiming
any interest in the following described
land, some part thereof being located in Wilkinson county, State of
Mississippi, and some parts thereof being located in Amite county, State
of Mississippi, as follows: North Half of Northeast Quarter, Section 42,
Township 4, North, Range 1, East, Wilkinson county, State of
Mississippi, and the following in Township 4, North, Range 2, East,
Amite county, State of Mississippi, being West Half of Northwest
Quarter, Section 34, Northeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter, Section 34,
and that part of Southwest Quarter and West Half of Southeast Quarter,
lying South of Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad right of way, Section 33; To
all persons having or claiming any legal or equitable interest in the land
described; To all unknown parties in interest; To Mrs. Edmonia Roberts,
Eugene H. Roberts, Edward Patterson, unknown heirs of Edward Patterson,
deceased, Allston & Fitts, unknown heirs of Allston & Fitts, deceased,
Mrs. Fannie Aaron White, Gastrell & Raymond, unknown heirs of
Gastrell & Raymond, deceased, W. A. Fitts, unknown heirs of W. A.
Fitts, deceased, unknown heirs of R. C. Brower, deceased, unknown
heirs of Mrs. R. C. Brower, deceased, Kate Brower, unknown heirs of
Kate Brower, deceased, Mary C. Brower, unknown heirs of Mary C. Brower,
deceased, R. E. Brower, Hattie D. Brower; To all persons having or claiming
any interest in the following described land, sold for taxes on the
5th day of June, A. D. 1876, viz: NE1/4 of NE1/4, Section 42, Township
4, North, Range 1, East, Wilkinson county, State of Mississippi;
To all persons having or claiming any interest in the following described
land, sold for taxes on the 5th day of March, A. D. 1888, viz: NW1/4 of
NE1/4, Section 42, Township 4, North, Range 1, East, Wilkinson county,
State of Mississippi; To George W. Carlisle, deceased, Mrs. George W.
Carlisle, unknown heirs of Mrs. George W. Carlisle, deceased, unknown
heirs of Thomas Halloran, deceased, Patrick Halloran, unknown
heirs of Patrick Halloran, deceased, Mrs. Patrick Halloran, unknown heirs
of Mrs. Patrick Halloran, deceased, John H. Bynum, unknown heirs
of John H. Bynum, deceased, Mrs. John H. Bynum, unknown heirs of
Mrs. John H. Bynum, deceased, unknown heirs of Jerimiah Bass, deceased,
unknown heirs of William W. Ashley, deceased, unknown heirs of Sary Ashley,
deceased, unknown heirs of Benjamin Bass, deceased, unknown
heirs of David Bryant, deceased, unknown heirs of Samuel Roberts Lusk,
deceased, unknown heirs of Samuel Lusk, deceased, Elizabeth Lusk,
unknown heirs of Elizabeth Lusk, deceased, Missouri Lusk, unknown heirs
of Missouri Lusk, deceased, John S. Lusk, unknown heirs of John S. Lusk,
deceased, Melissa N. Lusk, unknown heirs of Melissa N. Lusk, deceased,
J. J. Butler, unknown heirs of J. J. Butler, deceased, unknown heirs of
Adaline McDaniel, deceased, unknown heirs of A. Daniels, deceased,
J. T. Daniel, unknown heirs of J. T. Daniel, deceased;
All of said parties, known and unknown, are defendants in a suit of Foster
Creek Lumber and Manufacturing Company to confirm and quiet its title
to the land hereinbefore described and to remove all clouds therefrom:
You are commanded to appear before the Chancery Court of the County of
Wilkinson, in said State, on the first Monday of September, A. D. 1923,
to defend the suit in said Court of Foster Creek Lumber and
Manufacturing Company, wherein you are defendants.
This 19th day of June. A. D. 1923.
Saturday, June 23, 1923
[Seal.] W. L. HAYS, Clerk.