Extracted from The News-Star (Monroe, LA)
Thursday, December 31, 1925


Lee W. Jones, aged 75 years, died late last night at his home near Calhoun. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 10 a.m. at his residence and will be of a Masonic nature, Judge I. J. Watson, of Tallulah, past worthy master of the Calhoun lodge of Masons, being in charge.

Surviving are a son, S. C. Jones of Ruston; three [sic four] daughters, Mrs. P. G. Grambling of Ruston; Mrs. H. G. Sellers, of Calhoun; Mrs. J. S. Bridger of Shreveport, and Mrs. R. A. De Lee also of Shreveport. A brother, Henry M. Jones, of Calhoun, also survives.