Extracted from The Shreveport Times (Shreveport, LA)
Wednesday, September 14, 1927


Funeral services for Miss Lois Emmons, 22 years old, who died in a local sanitarium Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, will be held from her home in Dodson, La., at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon under the directions of the Wellman Undertaking company, who will take the body there at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning.

She is survived by her father, L. D. Emmons; three brothers, J. R. Emmons, of Dodson; S. R. Emmons, of Springhill, and J. M. Emmons, of Bossier City; six sisters, Mrs. G. L. Womack, of Chatham; Mrs. James Bowen, of Dodson; Mrs. F. L. Newsom, of Georgetown; Mrs. G. C. Kidd, of Sikes; Mrs. A. L. Crain, of Springhill, and Mrs. V. C. Houeze [sic V. E. Howze], of Shreveport.