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Extracted from The Blocton Enterprise (Blocton, AL)
Thursday, January 11, 1917


Mr. Martin Riley, a Confederate veteran and a pioneer citizen of Blocton, died at his home here on Monday morning about 4:30, after a long illness during which he was a great sufferer.

Mr. Riley was 70 years of age on Jan. 4th, and had made Blocton his home for over twenty-five years. He was a true and faithful soldier during the war of the sixties, and after the war came back to Bibb County.

In 1877 he married Mrs. Callie Hill. To this union seven children were born, all of whom, together with his widow, survive him.

Mr. Riley was of a genial disposition and counted his friends by the score. He was a member of the Baptist Church and expressed himself as being ready to go.

The remains were interred at Mt. Carmel Cemetery Tuesday morning, followed to their last resting place by a host of sorrowing relatives and friends. The floral offerings were profuse and beautiful, attesting the love and sympathy of their many friends. The Confederate Veterans of Camp Clayton, of which he was a member, marched in a body to the residence, and from thence to the cemetery. The pallbearers were also Confederate Veterans. Rev. Thos P. Dean of the Baptist Church and H. F. Crim of the Methodist Church conducted the funeral services. Unusually sweet music was rendered by a special choir, directed by Mr. Robt. Keith.

The deceased was surrounded by his children and loved ones, with the exception of one daughter, who was unable to attend, and to all of these the sympathy of the entire community is extended.