Extracted from The Franklin Sun (Winnsboro, LA)
Thursday, January 11, 1934


On January 4, 1934, the spirit of God came into the heart of Mary B. Gunn Boothe and severed the chain that linked her soul to its temple of clay. Rest, sweet rest at last. No more pain, no more sorrow now, and that once mortal frame, by the inevitable law of the Father of nature must perish--must decay, and go back to the dust from which it was made; while the soul, immortalized by the Son of God, is now following that light from the candles of glory, held aloft in the hands of angels to guide it across the valley of death.

Mary had been the victim of that dreaded T.B. for four years and confined to her bed for four months. All earthly efforts had been made for her restoration to health but it was not the will of the maker for her to linger in this world of sorrow, but to meet Him in the skies where the soul never dies.

The deceased was just in her 25th year, being the last of her family to be taken by this disease. She was born and raised at Gilbert, La. She leaves a husband, Louis Boothe, uncles and cousins, and a host of friends to mourn her loss. In this your hour of sorrow, we give our heartfelt sympathy; and remind you, that, those words, commanding that the body must perish, was never meant for the soul; which begins with the body at the dawn of life and remains in its mortal mold of clay, until divorced by the hands of God; and then---it enjoys a day whose sun never sets---it rises with a tide that, knowing no ebb, rolls on to the sea of immortality---as an eagle that soars, but not with weary wings, that compels descent; it rises by a law of spiritual attraction, the glory of which draws the Heaven born spirit, upward in all its affections, till earth finally is no longer the abode of genial friendship---'till Heaven becomes the mighty magnet dissolving all earthly ties in its welcome embrace.