Extracted from The Bibb Blade (Six Mile, AL)
Thursday, June 8, 1882


DIED -- At the residence of her son, J. H. Pratt, in Bibb county, June 4th, 1882, MRS. MARY PRATT.

The subject of this notice was born in December, 1800, in Edgefield District, South Carolina. At an early period in her life her father emigrated to Warren county Tennessee. In 1817 she came to Bibb county, Alabama, where she was married to Col. Absalom Pratt -- whom she survived about thirty seven years. Shortly after her marriage she professed faith in Christ and attached herself to the Baptist Church and therein remained a regular and consistent member to the day of her death -- ever exemplifying those peculiar beauties and virtues which adorns a Christian life. After a confinement of nearly three years -- always bearing her afflictions with Christian fortitude and resignation -- never murmuring, ever ready when the Master should call, she died as she had lived -- in the triumphs of a living faith, quietly and peacefully -- surrounded by many relatives and friends. Of twelve children only four remain to weep over their loss.