The Last Will and Testament of Mary J. Manley

I Mary J. Manly of Garrettsville Ohio do give and bequeath to my Eldest Son, Harlow Manley, Six and fifty nine hundreths acres of land in original surveyed lot No 2 in the township of Garrettsville Portage Co Ohio; it being the same tract conveyed to me by the incorporated Village of Garrettsville by deed bearing date January 6th 1873 and recorded in Portage Co. Records Volume 109 Page 47.

The object and reason of the above request is to partially compensate him for continued service and devotion to the interest of myself and my husband; and this gift is intended to be made as an addition to, and not a part of any legal claim or demand for services as a laborer on our farm during the Eleven years last past.

In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand this 19th day of Nov. 1884.

Mary Jane Manley

In the presence of the above named Mary J. Manley, at her request and in the presence of each other we hereinto subscribe our names as witnesses to her signature to the foregoing instrument and as witnesses to the fact that she declares the foregoing instrument to be her last will and testament.

Signed at Garrettsville Ohio this 19th day of Nov, 1884.

Katy M. Cole
J. Cole
