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Extracted from The Winn Parish Enterprise News-American (Winnfield, LA)
Thursday, July 8, 1965

Mrs. Slaughter, Former Resident, Dies At Camden

Funeral services for Mrs. Myrtice Roberts Slaughter, 51, were held in Camden, Ark., Wednesday. She died unexpectedly Tuesday after a heart attack. She was a former resident. Her father, George Roberts, a brother, Benny Roberts, and a sister, Mrs. Estelle Nugent, live in Winnfield.

Other survivors are three brothers, T. F. Roberts, Colfax, Alton Roberts, and Harrison “Pee Wee” Roberts, Jonesboro; two sisters, Mrs. Gladys Gillespie, Woodworth, and Mrs. Vera Slayter, Ball; three daughters, Mrs. M. L. Clay, Jr., and Mrs. Joyce Williams, Camden, and Mrs. Bob Russell, Dallas.