Extracted from The Franklin Sun (Winnsboro, LA)
Thursday, January 22, 1942

Millard McCarta

Body of Young Man Killed in California Being Returned Here

Millard McCarta, 27-year-old Winnsboro man who left here more than two months ago to seek work in a West coast plant turning out defense orders, was killed Tuesday in an accident at Vallejo, Calif., according to information received by relatives. Details of the accident were not available, but he was reported to have been involved in the fatal mishap only a few minutes before he was to have left work for the day.

The body is being returned here, and interment will be made in Lone Cedar cemetery, under direction of Mulhearn Funeral home.

Survivors included: His wife, Mrs. Eva McCarta, Winnsboro; his father and step-mother; two brothers, Clifford McCarta, Winnsboro, and Lois McCarta, with the U.S. army, and two sisters, Gladys and Eton McCarta, both of Winnsboro.