Jasper County, MS
Wills 1855-1944, pg 72

Last Will and Testament of Nancy McCarty Dec'd.

In the name of God Amen, I Nancy A. McCarty being of sound mind memory & understanding do make publish and declare this my last will & testament in form following towit: I give my body to the dust and my soul to God who gave it whatever worldly estate I may die possessed of I dispose as follows.

Item 1st I give to my son Thomas C. McCarty my Gray horse named Charley.

Item 2nd I give to Martha Clark, Thomas C. McCarty, Monroe McCarty & Columbus McCarty my beloved children all and every species of property I may die seized out possessed of to be equally divided among them share & share alike.

Item 3rd I hereby appoint my son John McCarty executor of this my last will & testament.

Nancy x her mark A. McCarty (Seal)

Signed sealed published & declared in the presence of the testator & in the presence of each other who at the request of the testator signed the same as witnesses thereto - August 29th A.D. 1876

Witnesses.        W. W. Lee
                        Henry W. Harper

The State of Mississippi
Jasper county

This day personally appeared before me J. F. Parker Clerk of the Chancery Court in & for said county W. W. Lee & Henry W. Harper subscribing witnesses to the annexed instrument of writing purporting to be the last will & testament of Nancy McCarty late of said county deceased, & bearing date the 29th day of August A.D. 1876 who having been sworn depose & say that said Nancy McCarty signed, sealed, published & declared said instrument as her last will and testament in the presence of these deponents on the day of the date thereof & that said testatrix was of sound disposing mind & memory & more than twenty one years of age & that these deponents subscribed said instrument as withnesses thereto of the instance & request & in the presence of said testatrix & also in the presence of each other on the day & year aforesaid.

Sworn to and subscribed before                  W. W. Lee.
me this April 7, 1877.                                Henry Harper.

Jas. F. Parker     Clerk

Scan of original document