Extracted from The Smithfield Herald (Smithfield, NC)
Sunday, May 23, 1915


Was Over Eighty Years of Age--Leaves Fourteen Children,
55 Grand Children And 11 Great-Grand Children.

On April 24, the death angels entered the home of Mr. N. G. Barefoot, Sr., and took his loving spirit to a better home. He had been in declining health for two years, but was confined to his room but a few weeks.

He will be sadly missed in his State and county as he was one of the finest and most prominent men of his section. He was eighty years, eight months and twenty-four days old.

He was married twice, first to Miss Susanna Johnson who preceded him to the grave forty years ago, and last to Miss Spicy E. Hayes. He is survived by one sister, a widow, fourteen children, fifty-five grand children, and eleven great-grand children.

He never united with any church but was a true believer in the Primitive Baptist. His kindness and devotion were not narrowed to his immediate family but reached out wherever there was suffering and need.

In his death we feel keenly our personal loss. He was a true and faithful soldier in the war. While there he received several wounds but none severe. HIs life was filled with charity and good deeds and his tender sympathy went out to all man kind. We fail not to realize that our loss is his eternal gain and if we live here as God would have us, we may meet loved one in the Glory land and there forever rest where pain and sorrow are no more.

He was laid to rest in the family grave yard beside his first beloved wife in the presence of a large crowd of sorrowing relatives and friends to pay their last tribute of respect.

The floral offerings were great and beautiful showing God's care and love.

A loving Grand Child.