Extracted from The Caldwell Watchman (Columbia, LA)
Friday, November 10, 1916

O. R. Cody Killed

O. R. Cody of Riverton, was killed last Sunday morning by the south bound passenger train, which arrived at Riverton at 5:30. He had been to Monroe and came back on a freight train which arrived at Riverton at 4:10, and was going to his home at the old Vollman mill place near the Ouachita river bridge, when the train ran into him, killing him instantly. His body was carried back to Riverton by the train crew and left in the depot, where it was examined by Coroner Biggs and Dr. May, who decided that an inquest was not necessary as no one was at fault, as he came to death by his own carelessness.

His remains were carried to Fellowship, and laid to rest in the family cemetery.

He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his loss.