
By the Grace of God Amen know all men by the presents that I Richard Prince of the State of South Carolina and Spartenburgh District being in my perfect sences and deeply impressed with the certainity of death have made this my last will and testament and I do hereby cancel and revoke all wills heretofore by me made ------

I do wish all my debts punctually paid after my debts is paid my desire is that my son Josiah Prince should have five dollars of my estate and I give to my daughter Martha Prince my loom and Implements ------ and I do will my lands to my son William Prince and John Prince the tract of land I now live on and the mill tract to William Prince and the tract of land I bought of price to John Prince ------

John Prince to take immediate possession of his land - and William Prince to take possession of his also with the charge of my wife and Martha and not to disposses them while my wife life single and my desire is also that William take the charge of the stock of horses, cows and hogs and dispose of such of them as he thinks proper for the use of the family and at my wife's death of the ballance to be equally divided betwixt William and Martha.

This my last will and testament made this twenty eighth day of March one thousand eight hundred and eleven wrote with my own hand.

Richard X Prince


John Red
Valentine Smith

Recorded in will Book A, Page 20
Recorded the 29th day of November, 1811
William Lancaster O.S.D.
Box 22, Package 20