Extracted from Clarke Co., MS Probate Court -- Estate Records
Jean Strickland and Patricia Edwards

(145) The State of Mississippi, Clarke County:
so be it remembered that a regular term of the Probate Court of said county was began and held in and for said county at the Courthouse thereof in the town of Quitman and on the 7th day of August A.D. 1848.

Present: The Hon. Alex'r McLendon, Judge of Probate in and for said county, Rosier W. Davis, Shff, by James Blakeny, Deputy, and Chas. W. Moody, Clerk.

In the matters of the petition of Nicy Wagster and Elias Hails praying letters of administration upon the estate of Richard Wagster dec'd. It is ordered by the court that letters of administration be granted to the said Elias Hailes (the said Nicy Wagster the widow of said dec'd having relinquished her right thereto and not desiring to become a co-administratrix with the said Elias) upon said estate upon his entering into bond in the form of the statute in the sum of seven thousand dollars with Henry Hailes and Edward McCarty as his securities, and the said Elias Hailes having this day appeared in open court and taken said oath, and together with said securities signed, sealed and delivered said bond (146) which was approved by the court. Said letters are therefore granted and ordered to be issued and recorded according to the statute.

It is further ordered that James Watts, John L. Sanson and M. Gardner be appointed appraisers to value and appraise such goods, chattels and personal estate of said decedent, and that a warrant be issued in this behalf according to the statute.

It is ordered by the court that publication be made in the Eastern Clarion, a newspaper published in the town of Paulding, for six weeks thereby notifying all persons having claims against the estate of Richard Wagster and to present them duly authenticated with the time forescribed by law or they will be barred and all person indebted to said estate to make payment.


In the matters of the estate of Richard Wagster dec'd. It is ordered by the court that Marmaduke Gardner, John L. Sanson and James Watts be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to equally divide all of the estate both real and personal of said deceased between Nicy Wagster the widow of said deceased and Matheny Hailes wife of Elias Hailes and that a warrant issue to them accordingly and that they make report of their actings and doings in the premises at the next term of this court.


(188-189) Report of the Commissioners to divide the Estate of Richard Wagster deceased. Marmaduke Gardner, John L. Sansom & James Watts commissioners. J.H. Pool appointed deputy to qualify the division.

Lands to be divided: E1/2 of SW1/4 sec. 29, T1, R15 east. NW1/4 of sec. 29, T1, R15 east. West 1/2 of SW1/4 of sec. 29, T1, R15 east. NW1/4 of SE1/4 of sec. 30, T1, R15 east. NE1/4 of SE1/4 of sec. 30, T1, R15 east...400 acres. Divided into 2 lots .. #1 for the widow & #2 for Methyne Hales, the daughter.

The following property was also divided into 2 lots.

Lot #1, Unice Wagster, the widow      
Jack, negro man,
Harry, negro man
Sam, negro boy
1 bay mare
1 road waggon
1 lot of hogs
Harriet & her child, Caroline
Amson, negro boy
1 horse mule
1 sorrell colt
9 head of cattle
1 lot farm & all household equipment

(190-193) Lot #2, Methany Hailes, the daughter
Ben, negro man,
Mary & child, Hor--
1 sorrell filly
7 head cattle
1 lot farming utensils
Paul, negro man
Enoch, negro boy
1 sorrell mare mule
1 lot hogs

The widow is to pay the daughter $187.50 to compensate for the difference.
Alex. McLendon, Judge. Recorded 9th of Feb. 1849. Chas. W. Moody, Clerk